超薄金屬柜兼具裝飾與收納 與電視機完美融合 空間層次豐富家裝設計
The ultra-thin metal cabinet combines decoration and storage perfectly with the TV
with rich space levels
橫廳的設計使得空間交互性變得更好,尺度感也更加寬闊,超大的落地玻璃窗戶讓光線得以充足的照射進來,家裝設計西廚料理區(qū),島臺與餐桌平行排開 布局方便實用 與客廳良好的交互性更加豐富家庭生活的歡聲笑語
The design of the horizontal hall makes the interaction of the space better and the sense of scale wider. The oversized floor glass windows allow sufficient light to shine in. The western kitchen cooking area, the island platform and the dining table are arranged in parallel. The layout is convenient and practical. The good interaction with the living room enriches the laughter of family life
Since itis a gathering space, the echo of material is particularly important. The rock plate and the wood veneer on the top of the western kitchen echo and connect with the background of the living room on the facade and the top.