▼ 書吧 | Book Bar售樓處內(nèi)設(shè)置了多處書柜,軟裝在陳設(shè)藝術(shù)品的選擇上,更著力打造具有東方意蘊的飾品,以及給前來購房的業(yè)主提供可供休閑閱讀的空間,同時也提升了整個售樓處的文化品位。裝修設(shè)計
There are a number of bookcases in the sales office. The soft furnishings are designed to create the art of the oriental art, and provide the space for the owners who come to buy the house for leisure reading. The cultural taste of the building.
裝飾畫以“山”形貫穿于整個售樓處的各個空間,運用不同的裝飾手法,著力打造把自然界的景致“山·水”概念以抽象的形式陳設(shè)其中。The decorative painting runs through the various spaces of the entire sales office in the form of “mountain”. With different decorative techniques, it focuses on creating the concept of “mountain and water” in the natural world in an abstract form.
▼ 深度洽談區(qū) | Negotiation Area
▼ 等待區(qū) | Waiting Area
▼ VIP室 | VIP Room
▼ 收銀區(qū) | Cashier