Light is attracting, leading and authentic self.
Light is the attraction of the free growth of all things in life, the guidance of the forward footsteps of ideal life , and the arrival of the three-dimensional and multi-faceted freedom. With light, life naturally shows a various of appearances. With light, diverse and rich textures and characteristics grow in all things in the nature. With light, all things in the nature opens up the possibility of imagination and creation. For people, clothing is just like the light in daily life. With light, every one shows its personal and diverse difference. We attract and connect each other due to that difference. Meanwhile, we establish relationship by attracting the light and adopting the dust in the nature.
面料的酣睡 個性的蘇醒
Insignificance of materials awakens individuality.
美,本身是關注和專注的產物。明末文學家馮夢龍在《醒世恒言》中,曾言“美人美在骨相,不在皮相”,真正的美,經得起時間的沉淀,生活的磨礪。正如LICO團隊嘗試通過空間表達的“吸引、引領、真我” 理念一樣,YIMENZI衣門子女裝之美,體驗店設計在于顧客從走進YIMENZI的空間開始到挑選、換試新衣、到遇見中意之選的整個過程,正是YIMENZI幫助顧客完成從服裝款式、面料、剪裁的酣睡到客人個性的蘇醒,真我降臨的內心旅程。是從空間之美到產品之美,到獨特個性氣質蘇醒之美的奇妙體驗。
Beauty, in itself, is a product of attention and focus. In the late Ming Dynasty, a writer Feng Menglong once said in his book Xingshihengyan, "the beauty lies in the bone, not in the skin". The real beauty can stand the precipitation of time and the hone of life. As the concept of“attracting, leading and authentic self” that LICO team try to pass through the space expression, that the beauty of YIMENZI lies in the process when customers come into the YIMENZI space to choose, try, and buy new clothes. It’s YIMENZI that helps customers to achieve the awakening of personality and starting a journey of inner heart. YIMENZI offers the customers a wonderful experience from the beauty of space to the beauty of the product, and finally to the awakening of the unique personality.
The beauty of women clothes doesn’t lie in their materials,but in the awakening of the personality.
For the wardrobes of women, there’s always a lack of a dress.
This may be the true wisdom of women.
Welcome to YIMENZI.